Voice has always been an interesting field for me. One of my friends asked me to set up an IVR (Interactive Voice Response) for his small company. I, wearing a technology mask, would never like to displease a friend, who has an image of me being a technology champ. Not only that, there was something else at the back of my mind, that supported my decision to help out this friend. It was nothing else but a small IVR application that I had developed during my graduation days. Those were the days of VB with a TAPI addon. Tried to look around for that antic piece, got it, but couldn't get it working on today's OS. I was in a fix. Googling around for VOIP related technologies, I came across VXML (Voice XML) & voice browser. At first, I related it to be something like XML and Firefox Internet browser. I was excited to have it on my desktop, but my eagerness was trimmed down on further reading. This was where i came across
Here are the steps:
1) Register yourself at
Voxeo Evolution Site. (Goto Account->Register)
2) Login with your user and password.
3) Copy paste the following text in your favourite editor.
<vxml version = "2.1" >
<break strength="large"/>
Hello. Welcome to Nand Tele Services. We are the leaders in Education Call Center.
4) Save the file on your local machine (say
5) On voxeo evolution site, goto,
ACCOUNT -> (Files, Logs, & Reports)
6) You should see a
www directory. Click on www directory.
7) Upload
hello.xml using the browse button.
8) Goto
ACCOUNT -> Application Manager, Click Add Application.
9) Type in a arbitrary name, and select "
Voice Phone Calls"
10) In Voice URL, click on file manager, select
hello.xml and Press MAP.
11) Press "
Create Application".
12) Click on the application, and it will show you various contact methods.
Your first voice application is ready to rock!!!
On creating your application, voxeo gives you free Skype, Sip, & direct US phone numbers. You can use skype to test your new voice application. If you have a sip softphone, like
linphone, put in the sip url and listen the voice of your application. Now you need to connect it to your PSTN line. I did it using Linksys SPA-3102. My boss is calling, need to go, will post the rest in next few days.